
Welcome to the INQS Blog. A blog documenting my experiences through Statistics. I hope you enjoy reading my blog!

Isaac Quintanilla Salinas


April 14, 2021

Welcome! I’ve decided to create this blog as a way to record my journey in Statistics. As I am working through my PhD, I’ve read numerous posts on vast topics. As I was reading about topics related to Rcpp. I noticed how difficult it was to implement Rcpp for my needs. At the same moment, it dawned on me that I am reading from individuals that at some point in time were struggling with the same issues. This inspired me to create a blog of my own with the same intentions to help other individuals. My hope is to demonstrate how I overcame the challenges I faced to others that are facing similar issues.

I don’t know how this blog will go. It’s going to be a learning experience. I don’t even know how many blog posts I will write in a year. I don’t even know what topics I will write about. However, I hope overtime, I can create a blog that may help people.