However, we obtain some information when data is censored
Incorporate methods to utilize partial information
Censoring is independent of time-to-death generation
Right Censoring
Data Construction
\(T_i^*\): True time-to-event
\(C_i\): Censoring Time
\(T_i=\min(T_i^*,C_i)\): Observed time-to-event
\(\delta_i = I(T_i^*<C_i)\): Event indicator
Survival Analysis Functions
Background Information
Survival Analysis Functions
Survival Rate
Cox Proportional Hazard Model
R Code
Survivial Analysis Functions
Describe the Probability Model
Hazard Function
Survival Function
Cumulative Hazard Function
Hazard Function
h(t) = \lim_{\Delta t \rightarrow 0} \frac{P(t \le T^* < t + \Delta t \mid T^* \ge t)}{\Delta t}
Survival Function
S(t) = P(T^* > t)
Cumulative Hazard Function
H(t) = \int_0^t h(u) du
Survival and Hazard Function Relationship
S(t) = e^{-H(t)}
Probability Density Function
f(t) = h(t)S(t)
Survival Rate
Background Information
Survival Analysis Functions
Survival Rate
Cox Proportional Hazard Model
R Code
Survival Curve
The survival curve will determine what is the probability of suriving up to a certain time.
A survival curve uses both censored and uncensored data
A survival curve can be used to determine the median survival time of a disease
Let \(\{t_j,d_j,R_j\}^D_{j=1}\) denote the survival data, where \(t_1<t_2<\cdots<t_D\) are the ordered distinct observed event times, \(d_j\) represents the number of events at time point \(t_j\), and \(R_j\) denotes the number of subjects still at risk of experiencing the event at \(t_j\).
Let \(\{T_i,\delta_i,\boldsymbol X_i\}^n_{i=1}\) denote the survival data, where \(T_i\) is observed event times, \(\delta_i\) is the survival indicator, and \(\boldsymbol X_i\) denotes the a vector of predictor variables.