3  Functional Programming

3.1 Functions

The functionality in R is what makes it completely powerful compared to other statistical software. There are several pre-built functions, and you can extend R’s functionality further with the use of R Packages.

3.1.1 Built-in Functions

There are several available functions in R to conduct specific statistical methods. The table below provides a set of commonly used functions:

Functions Description
aov() Fits an ANOVA Model
lm() Fits a linear model
glm() Fits a general linear model
t.test() Conducts a t-test

Several of these functions have help documentation that provide the following sections:

Section Description
Description Provides a brief introduction of the function
Usage Provides potential usage of the function
Arguments Arguments that the function can take
Details An in depth description of the function
Value Provides information of the output produced by the function
Notes Any need to know information about the function
Authors Developers of the function
References References to the model and function
See Also Provide information of supporting functions
Examples Examples of the function

To obtain the help documentation of each function, use the ? operator and function name in the console pane.

3.1.2 Generic Functions

Commonly used functions, such as summary() and plot() functions, are considered generic functions where their functionality is determined by the class of an R object. For example, the summary() function is a generic function for several types of functions: summary.aov(), summary.lm(), summary.glm(), and many more. Therefore, the appropriate function is needed depending the type of R object. This is where generic functions come in. We can use a generic function, ie summary(), to read the type of object and then apply to correct procedure to the object.

3.1.3 User-built Functions

While R has many capable functions that can be used to analyze your data, you may need to create a custom function for specific needs. For example, if you find yourself writing the same to repeat a task, you can wrap the code into a user-built function and use it for analysis.

To create a user-built function, you will using the function() to create an R object that is a function. To use the function Inside the funtion() parentheses, write the arguments that need to specified for your function. These are arguments you choose for the function. Anatomy

In general function we construct a function with the following anatomy:

name_of_function <- function(data_1, data_2 = NULL, 
                             argument_1, argument_2 = TRUE, argument_3 = NULL,
  # Conduct Task
  # Conduct Task
  output_object <- Tasks

Here, we are creating an R function called name_of_function that will take the following arguments: data_1, data_2, argument_1, argument_2, argument_3, and .... From this function, it requires us to supply data for data_1 and argument_1. Arguments data_2 and argument_3 are not required, but can be utilized in the function if necessary. Argument argument_2 is also required for the function, but it it has a default setting (in this case TRUE) if it is not specified. Lastly, the ... argument allows you to pass other arguments to R built in functions if they are present. For example, we may use the plot() to create graphics and want to manipulate the output plot further, but do not want to specify the arguments in the user-based function. In the function itself, we will complete the necessary tasks and then use the return() to return the output. Example

To begin, let’s create a function that squares any value:

x_square <- function(x){x^2}

Above, I am creating a new function called x_square and it will take values of x and square it. Here are a couple of examples of x_square():

[1] 16
[1] 25

The mtcars data set has several numeric variables that can be used for analysis. Let’s say we want to apply a function (x_square()) to the sum of a specific variable and return the value. Then let’s further complicate the function by allowing the sum of 2 variables, take the log of the sum and dividing the value if necessary. Below is the code for such function called summing:

summing <- function(vec1, vec2 = NULL, FUN, log_val = FALSE, divisor_val = NULL){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  wk_vec <- c(vec1, vec2)
  fun_sum_val <- FUN(sum(wk_vec))
  lval <- NULL
  if (isTRUE(log_val)){
    lval <- log(fun_sum_val)
  } else {
    lval <- fun_sum_val
  if (!is.null(divisor_val)){
    dval <- divisor_val
  } else {dval <- 1}
  output <- lval/dval

Now let’s try obtaining the

[1] 413320.4
summing(mtcars$mpg, FUN = x_square)
[1] 413320.4
[1] 17.98088
summing(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$disp, x_square, T)
[1] 17.98088
[1] 3.596177
summing(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$disp, x_square, T, 5)
[1] 3.596177

3.2 *apply Functions

*apply functions are used to iterate a function through a set of elements in a vector, matrix, or list. This will then return a vector or list depending on what is requested.

3.2.1 apply()

The apply() function is used to apply a function to the margins of an array or matrix. It will iterate between the elements, apply a function to the data, and return a vector, array or list if necessary. To use the apply() function, you will need to specify three arguments, X or the array, MARGIN which margin to apply the function on, and FUN the function.

Below we calculate the row means and column means using the apply function for a \(5 \times 4\) matrix containing the elements 1 through 20:

x <- matrix(1:20, nrow = 5, ncol = 4)

# Row Means
apply(x, 1, mean)
[1]  8.5  9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5
# Col Means
apply(x, 2, mean)
[1]  3  8 13 18

3.2.2 lapply()

The lapply() function is used to apply a function to all elements in a vector or list. The lapply() function will then return a list as the output.

3.2.3 sapply()

The sapply() function is used to apply a function to all elements in a vector or list. Afterwards, the sapply() will return a “simplified” version of the list format. This could be a vector, matrix, or array.

3.3 Anonymous Functions

Anonymous functions are functions that R temporarily creates to conduct a task. They are commonly used in the *apply functions, piping or within functions. To create an anonymous function, we use the function() to create a function .

For example, let x be a vector with the values 1 through 15. Let’s say we want to apply the function \(f(x) = x^2+\ln(x) + e^x/x!\). We can evaluate the function as the expression in the function:

x <- 1:15
x^2 + log(x) + exp(x)/factorial(x)
 [1]   3.718282   8.387675  13.446202  19.661217  27.846214  38.352077
 [7]  51.163496  66.153374  83.219555 102.308655 123.399395 146.485246
[13] 171.565020 198.639071 227.708053

Let’s say we could not do that, we need to evaluate the function for each value of x. We can use the sapply() function with an anonymous function:

sapply(x, function(x) x^2 + log(x) + exp(x) / factorial(x))
 [1]   3.718282   8.387675  13.446202  19.661217  27.846214  38.352077
 [7]  51.163496  66.153374  83.219555 102.308655 123.399395 146.485246
[13] 171.565020 198.639071 227.708053

In R 4.1.0, developers introduce a shortcut approach to create functions. You can create a function using \() expression, and specify the arguments for your function within the parenthesis. Reworking the previous code, we can use \() instead of function():

sapply(x, \(x) x^2 + log(x) + exp(x)/factorial(x))
 [1]   3.718282   8.387675  13.446202  19.661217  27.846214  38.352077
 [7]  51.163496  66.153374  83.219555 102.308655 123.399395 146.485246
[13] 171.565020 198.639071 227.708053
sapply(x, \(.) .^2 + log(.) + exp(.)/factorial(.))
 [1]   3.718282   8.387675  13.446202  19.661217  27.846214  38.352077
 [7]  51.163496  66.153374  83.219555 102.308655 123.399395 146.485246
[13] 171.565020 198.639071 227.708053

Notice that the argument in the anonymous function can be anything.